Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog Post: Unit 3

1. Based on your reflections, and on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being optimal wellbeing), where do you rate your A-physical wellbeing, B-spiritual well-being, C-psychological well-being? Why?

A- physical wellbeing: I would say I am a 8 in this category. I work out most weeks, 3 to 4 days a week. I work out for about 20-40 minutes. On the weekends we usually do something active as well. The reason I scored myself a 8 instead of higher is because there are times I take weeks off from working out because I am not in the mood or I have no time. I hope to be at a 10 after school is over and I have more time.

B- Spiritual well-being: My number would have to be a 3. I am not religious and I don't 'believe' in anything that is popular religion. I believe that there is something more than us and that we were created but other than that I don't have any more knowledge on it. I grew up in a family that doesn't go to church or talk about religion at all.

C- psychological well-being: 8 is my number on this scale. I believe that I am a very stable person when it comes to my mind. I suffered from anxiety for awhile but since changing my diet I have not had any problems. I do not take medication for any reason and have never. I think logically and think through things before reacting. My mind does wonder a lot and I am always thinking about what I need to do next, this is why I scored myself a 8.

2. Develop a goal for yourself in each area (physical, spiritual, psychological).

Goal for physical would be to stay consistent, if I don't want to workout then I can try other things to do after work like go for a long walk. I could also split up my time so I can do a little in the morning and a little in the evening.

Goal for spiritual is to educate myself more on the subject and finally figure out what I believe in so I can share that knowledge with my kids.

Goal for psychological is to do more meditation so that I can slow my mind down and have a few minutes where I am not thinking about anything, no list, just peace.

3. What activities or exercise can you implement in your life to assist in moving toward each goal?

Yoga and medication would be good for both physical, spiritual, and psychological. Learn a new sport or activity for physical. Go to church or purchase reading materials on different religions for spiritual.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Welcome to my blog :) Join me to create great happiness in your life!

Journey on is a great relaxation exercise. Meditation is a great way to relax the largest muscle in your body. By relaxing your brain you create wellness and peace in your body and ultimately in your life. Music for me helps calm my mind and helps me relax and not think about too many things. I cannot close out my mind complexly but closing it out to all the worry and list of things to do works just as good. With this music journey you can concentrate on one thing; for example, a music note or waves in the air or just colors. The man's voice is very soothing and helps guide you into a relaxed state. Making sure you are comfortable is key as well. If you are trying to meditate or relax while sitting in a uncomfortable chair, this would be very hard to relax. I find getting in my yoga clothes, on my mat, with a candle going and the lights off is the best way for me to relax. Journey on is a great tool for beginners.